The hardest products and services for a marketing department to promote are ones that force businesses to completely restructure their internal workflows. While ad agencies, online publishers, and digital advertisers were scrambling to adjust to the abomination of Adobe Flash and switch to HTML5, Adcade's vision was to create a universal ad building platform that would take the transition process out of future creative technology advancements and allow users to build animations, online content, and digital advertising using zero code but would be automatically coded in the latest dialect whether it be HTML5, 6, 7, 8 and so on. This was a tough efficiency to convey to our B2B clients because their internal team structures and internal processes were constructed for cross-departmental workflows and Adcade's Epoch platform was simply too efficient for mass adoption. Below was an infographic that I created along side illustrator Charlie Layton that showcases how non-traditional HTML5 ad building would work using Adcade's Epoch creative platform.
Concept Sketches

Final Design